Powerful Dua To Solve All Problems Immediately


In the current times, every person has their own set of problems. When someone says that Allah has given them problems, they must remember that he always tests us before giving us the happiness we deserve. The only way to ask him to show mercy and make life easier is through the Powerful Duas for all problems to solve immediately from the Quran

In the world created by Allah, every person has happiness, sadness, problems, and difficulties destined in their life. Good and bad things are a part of human life and they have to endure it. All the things that happen in our lives teach us important lessons that stay with us forever. 

If you are facing problems in your married life then do recite this dua for marriage problems.

At times, when the problems become unbearable, we must remember that the solutions exist in the Quran and Sunnah. Our Islamic scholar has taken the most important duas from the Quran to solve all kinds of problems one faces in various aspects of life. 

Let us now give you an insight into some of the most powerful duas to solve all problems. 

Powerful Dua To Solve A Problem Immediately

Life throws challenges at everyone. While some can overcome their challenges with minimal effort, others persist despite our best attempts and hard work. When someone’s struggles becomes never ending, turning to Allah for help is a wise choice. This can be done with the help of the dua to solve problem immediately.

The dua to solve all problems can sometimes be considered a difficult prayer to get results out of. But people who recite it sincerely with faith in Allah will get desired results soon. 

How to Perform the Dua To Solve A Problem Immediately?

  • Start by performing Wudu (ablution).
  • Raise your hands in supplication after you sit on the prayer mat. 
  • Recite Surah al-Fatiha once. 
  • Then, recite “Rabbana atina fid-duniya hasanatan waa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqinaa ‘adhaban-nar” 501 times.
  • Conclude by praying to Allah (SWT) to alleviate all problems from your life.
  • Consistently follow this method for 18 days. InshaAllah, you will witness your problems diminishing day by day.

How To Recite Duas For All Problems To Solve

It’s crucial for all of us to understand that Allah’s assistance is always available in resolving any problem. Allah has provided numerous avenues to aid humanity, with spirituality being one of the most enigmatic. Through spiritual assistance, even the most daunting tasks can become achievable. Hence, throughout history, people have turned to reciting various prayers to seek spiritual support. 

Dua to solve all problems holds Allah’s guidance and decree. This dua often leads to the sudden disappearance of one’s troubles. Dua serves as the gateway to accessing spiritual help, with the invocation “Hasbunallahu wa Naim al Wakeel” being a prominent example.

How To Perform Dua To Solve All Problems?

Here’s the process to perform the dua to solve all problems:

1. Start by performing ablution to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually.

2. Choose a tranquil and secluded spot where you can focus without distractions.

3. Lift your hands in humble supplication, expressing your need for Allah’s assistance.

4. Begin by reciting Surah al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran, to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance.

5. Repeat the dua “Hasbunallahu wa Naim al Wakeel” multiple times with sincerity and devotion. This dua translates to “Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs.”

By following this process with sincerity, faith, and perseverance, you can seek Allah’s assistance in resolving all your problems. Trust in His divine wisdom and mercy, and remain steadfast in your supplications.

For any further questions about the dua for any problem, you can consult our Islamic scholar. 

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Author Bio Image
Peer Abdullah Hussain

Islamic Scholar (YaRaheemu.com)

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