Dua for all problems has been a source of relief and comfort for millions of Muslims worldwide. Whether you’re facing difficulties in your personal life, financial struggles, or any other challenges, the power of dua can bring miraculous changes.
Table of Contents
- How Our Miraculous Dua Can Transform Your Life?
- 7 Rules To Follow Before Reading Duas For All Problems
- How To Perform Powerful Duas for All Problems
- Dua to Solve All Problems Quickly
- Best Dua to Solve Problem Immediately in 5 Days
- How to Perform Dua For Problems To Be Resolved?
- 5 Benefits of How This Dua Can Resolve Your Problem Easily
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
In the current times, every person has their own set of problems. When someone says that Allah has given them problems, they must remember that he always tests us before giving us the happiness we deserve.
The only way to ask him to show mercy and make life easier is through the Powerful Duas for all problems to solve immediately from the Quran.
How Our Miraculous Dua Can Transform Your Life?
Our dua for miracle is like a special prayer that brings amazing help from Allah (SWT) when you need it most. Imagine you’re lost in a dark room, and you suddenly find a bright light that shows you the way out. That’s how our dua works in real life, it lights up your path when you feel stuck or scared.
When you pray this dua with a pure heart, believing that Allah can do anything, miracles can happen. It’s like asking a loving friend for help, and they give you exactly what you need. Many people have found happiness, solved big problems, and felt at peace through this dua.
Remember, Allah is always listening to you. This dua is your way to ask Him to make the impossible possible, and He will, with His love and mercy.
If you are facing problems in your married life then do recite this dua for marriage problems.
7 Rules To Follow Before Reading Duas For All Problems
Rule | Explanation |
Think Positively | Start your dua with a clean heart, free of negative thoughts. Focus on good intentions and don’t hold grudges against anyone. |
Face the Qibla | Always face the Qibla (direction of the Kaaba) when making your dua to increase the chances of acceptance. |
Keep It Private | Until you see results, keep your dua a secret. Sharing it with others may affect its strength. |
Women’s Note | Women should avoid making this dua during their menstruation and wait until they are clean. |
Do Good Deeds | Along with making dua, engage in good actions like charity or helping others. This can help bring faster answers from Allah. |
Seek Forgiveness | Before starting your dua, ask Allah for forgiveness (Astaghfirullah) to purify yourself and make your dua more effective. |
Pray Anytime | You can recite this dua anytime, day or night. It’s beneficial to include it in your daily prayers for consistency. |
At times, when the problems become unbearable, we must remember that the solutions exist in the Quran and Sunnah.
Let us now give you an insight into some of the most powerful duas to solve all problems.
If you want to marry soon then must read our special dua to get married soon.
How To Perform Powerful Duas for All Problems
Facing problems can be overwhelming, but remember that every challenge comes with a solution.
The dua for all problems is a powerful way to seek Allah’s help in resolving your issues. Here is a unique procedure you can follow to make your dua more effective:
- Perform Wudu: Start by purifying yourself with Wudu (ablution). This will cleanse you and prepare you spiritually to connect with Allah (SWT).
- Pray Two Rakat: Offer two Rakat of Nafl Salah (voluntary prayer) with full concentration. This act of devotion shows your sincerity in seeking Allah’s assistance.
- Recite the Dua: After your prayer, sit in a quiet place and recite the following dua: “Ya Allah, Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, astaghfiruka wa atubu ilayk, kun fa-yakun, ya Rabb al-alameen.“
- Make Istighfar: Ask Allah (SWT) for forgiveness for any sins that might be a barrier to your dua being accepted. Recite “Astaghfirullah“100 times.
- Have Complete Faith: Trust that Allah will answer your dua in the best way possible. Maintain faith and patience as you wait for the solution to unfold.
Read our Dua To Get Married To The Person You Want in Islam.

Dua to Solve All Problems Quickly
When faced with urgent problems, turning to Allah (SWT) with the right dua can bring quick relief. Here’s a dua to solve all problems quickly:
Dua: “Allahumma inni as’aluka bi-rahmatika an tusahhil ‘alayya kulli amri wa an tafukka ‘anni kulli durri”
Translation– O Allah, the Most Merciful, I turn to You in this time of need. You are the only one who can resolve my issues, no matter how big or small they are. O Allah, I place my trust in You, knowing that You are the best of planners. Please remove my difficulties and grant me ease.”
This dua emphasizes reliance on Allah’s mercy and wisdom. By making this dua with complete faith, you are surrendering your problems to the One who has control over everything in the universe.
For any further questions about the dua for any problem, you can consult our Molvi Abdullah Hussain Ji and get the desired results.
Best Dua to Solve Problem Immediately in 5 Days
Sometimes, we need immediate intervention from Allah (SWT) to solve a pressing issue. Here’s a dua that, with Allah’s will, can bring about a solution within five days:
- Begin with Wudu: As always, start by performing Wudu to cleanse yourself physically and spiritually.
- Offer Tahajjud: Wake up during the last third of the night and offer Tahajjud (night prayer). This is one of the most powerful times to make dua.
- Recite Surah Al-Fatiha: After completing your prayer, recite Surah Al-Fatiha 7 times, as it is known as the opening to all goodness.
- Make the Dua: Then, recite the following dua: “Ya Fattah, iftah li abwaba rahmatika wa halli muskilati min ghayri ta’khir.”
- Repeat for 5 Days: Continue this practice every night for five days, with full conviction that Allah (SWT) will bring you the solution you seek.
If you want to attract the love of your husband, then must read Dua For Husband Love.
How to Perform Dua For Problems To Be Resolved?
- Start by performing Wudu (ablution).
- Raise your hands in supplication after you sit on the prayer mat.
- Recite Surah al-Fatiha once.
- Then, recite “Rabbana atina fid-duniya hasanatan waa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqinaa ‘adhaban-nar” 501 times.
- Conclude by praying to Allah (SWT) to alleviate all problems from your life.
- Consistently follow this method for 18 days. InshaAllah, you will witness your problems diminishing day by day.
Our Islamic scholar has taken the most important duas from the Quran to solve all kinds of problems one faces in various aspects of life.

Read our Dua To Bring Husband and Wife Closer to each other.
5 Benefits of How This Dua Can Resolve Your Problem Easily
- These powerful duas for all problems have been known to bring immediate relief to those who recite them with sincere intention and faith.
- By turning to Allah (SWT) in times of need, your faith in His mercy and power will be strengthened.
- Regularly making dua helps to calm the heart and mind, bringing peace in times of stress and worry.
- Through dua, Allah (SWT) may open doors that were previously closed, leading to new opportunities and solutions.
- Dua is a direct line of communication with Allah (SWT). Regular dua strengthens your connection with your Creator, bringing you closer to Him.
If you have any questions about the dua for any problem, feel free to reach out to our respected Molvi Abdullah Hussain Ji. He is here to guide you and help you achieve the results you seek.
The power of dua for all problems is truly miraculous. By following these procedures and making these unique duas for all problems, you can seek Allah’s help in resolving your difficulties.
Remember, the key is to have full faith in Allah (SWT) and to trust His plan for you. These duas have transformed the lives of many, and they can do the same for you.
Keep your heart connected to Allah, and you will find that no problem is too great to overcome with His help.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Islamic dua for all difficulties?
The dua for all difficulties is a special prayer where you ask Allah for help when things are tough. You can say, “Ya Allah, make things easy for me and remove my troubles.”
In Arabic, you can say, “Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahla.” This means you’re asking Allah to turn hard things into easy things.
Which Surah is for solving all problems?
Surah Al-Fatiha is a powerful chapter in the Quran that can help solve all problems.
It is also known as “The Opening” because it opens the doors to Allah’s blessings and mercy.
Reciting Surah Al-Fatiha with faith can bring relief and guidance from Allah, helping you overcome difficulties.
How do you get 100% dua accepted?
To get your dua accepted, pray with a pure heart, truly believing that Allah can do anything.
Be patient, trust Allah’s timing, and ask for forgiveness for your mistakes. Also, try to do good deeds like helping others.
Pray during special times, like the last third of the night, and keep repeating your dua with faith.

Peer Abdullah Hussain is a renowned Islamic scholar with over 20 years of experience in Islamic supplications from the Quran. He has a strong background in Quranic research. He has gained his knowledge through years of research about supplications from the Quran. Peer Abdullah Hussain is passionate about helping people find peace and happiness through Quranic supplications. He enjoys helping His Muslim brothers and sisters find happiness with halal duas and wazifas.