Powerful Dua for Husband Wife Love


In the sight of Allah SWT, the bond between husband and wife is sacred and unique. Today, we are sharing Quranic Dua for husband wife love.

When the husband handles all household expenses, the wife typically manages the home and cares for the children. This dynamic helps maintain a strong bond in the relationship.

However, relationships can sometimes face challenges, such as external interference, the evil eye, or frequent arguments.

If you are experiencing similar issues, know that Allah has guided you to this article for a reason.

We are pleased to share various Duas to rekindle your husband’s love. By incorporating these Duas into your daily life, you can address marital problems, reignite your husband’s affection, and restore the strength of your relationship.

How Does The “Dua for Husband Wife Relationship” Benefit You?

Allah Ta’ala created the world, our surroundings, and us. When challenges arise in our lives, they are often tests from Allah.

For every difficulty we face, Allah has provided solutions through the Quran and Sunnah.

By consistently reciting the specified Dua from the Quran correctly, you can trust that you will find solutions to every problem in your life.

Even if you are facing problems in marriage you should perform dua with complete faith on Allah SWT.

What is The Greatest Deed in Islam? The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) Said “Faith in Allah[SWT] and His Messenger[SAW]!”


If you are not sure which dua prayer to recite from Quran then we are about to share most powerful and Halal dua for husband wife love in Islam.

6 Crucial Points Before Starting This Dua For Happy Relationship

When performing any Dua sincerely, it is crucial to follow certain guidelines to increase the likelihood of your prayer being accepted. Here are the key points to remember:

Key PointHow To Do
Maintain a Pure HeartEnsure your heart is free of negativity and ill will. Keep your thoughts pure and positive before starting the dua.
Timing for WomenWomen should not perform this dua during menstruation. Begin the dua two days after your period ends.
Get ForgivenessAsk Allah for forgiveness of your sins before starting the dua to cleanse your soul and make your prayer stronger.
Recite Allah’s NamesStart your prayer by reciting any 10 names of Allah Ta’ala to invite blessings and peace into your dua.
Face QiblaSit facing the Qibla direction while making the dua to increase the chances of your prayers being accepted by Allah.
Dua For Husband Wife Love

5 Easy Steps to Perform Dua for Husband Wife Love

  • Perform a fresh ablution or wudu to gain physical state of purity
  • Read Durood Sharif for 11 times.
  • Recite Surah al-Ikhlas once.
  • Chant the Following Verse for 434 times
Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani
  • Now, pray and Ask Allah to create love in your husband’s heart for you.

Follow this method consistently for 17 days with full faith in Allah SWT. InshaAllah you will begin to see a positive change in your husband’s behaviour.

For any doubts or guidance, feel free to consult Peer Abdullah Hussain via WhatsApp. His guidance has helped many brothers and sisters overcome their difficulties on our Instagram page.

Additionally, explore the Dua for seeing your future husband or wife in a dream for further spiritual insight.

How To Perform Dua For Love Between Husband and Wife

Over time, the love between a husband and wife may diminish as they become engrossed in their daily routines.

If you wish to rekindle that lost love and are seeking a prayer to help restore it, we have a powerful Dua that can bring back the affection and closeness in your relationship with Allah Ta’ala’s blessings.

Dua For Love Between Husband and Wife
Dua For Love Between Husband and Wife

Important Steps to Perform the Dua for Love Between Husband and Wife

  1. Perform Wudu and Gain State of physical purity
  2. Recite “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” for 11 times.
  3. Read Surah An-Nisa twice.
  4. In pray to Allah SWT in your own words, say, “O Allah, please create love between us and bless both of us from Your power,” 123 times.

By following this Dua consistently for 12 days, you will start seeing visible results. For the best outcome, perform this Dua after Tahajjud Salah.

Additionally, read our powerful Dua to bring husband and wife closer to increase the love between you.

Which Dua To Read For Husband Wife Love in Quran

To cultivate love in your spouse, recite below given quranic verse for 324 times after each salah daily for 24 days.

Wallaahu khalaqakum min turaabin summa min nutfatin summa ja’alakum azwaajaa

This powerful Dua is derived from Surah Al-Fatir, verse 11, and is highly recommended and halal dua for husband and wife love.

Which is The Best Dua For Spouse Love From Quran

If you seek a prayer for seeking Allah SWT’s blessing of peace and love in your marriage, recite the following Dua with sincere intention. Alongside reciting this prayer, it’s essential to actively foster kindness, love, and mutual understanding within your relationship.

One of the best Duas from the Quran to seek love and harmony between spouses is derived from Surah Al-Furqan, Chapter 25, Verse 74:

Rabbana hablana min azwajina wathurriyyatina qurrata a'yunin waj'alna lil muttaqeena imama.

"Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous."

This Dua asks Allah to bless spouses with contentment, joy, and righteousness, making them a source of comfort and guidance for each other.

If you are not getting problems of your resolution, Read Powerful dua for all Problems.

Dua For Love of Husband
Dua For Love of Husband

4 Step Procedure To Perform Quranic Dua For Love of Husband

  1. Begin by performing Wudu (ablution).
  2. Recite Salawat 11 times and “Tasbeeh e Janab e Fatima.”
  3. Recite Chapter 25, Verse 74 of the Quran (Surah Al-Furqan) 234 times.
  4. Conclude by earnestly praying to Allah SWT for your husband’s love.

Follow this daily ritual for 14 consecutive days for husband to love his wife only.

Read Surah For Success In Everything in Islam.

Read our Special Dua to Make Husband Love You

Arabic: “اللهم اجعل قلب زوجي يحبني حباً عظيماً، واملأ قلبه بحبي واحترامه لي.”

Transliteration: “Allahumma aj’al qalba zawji yuhibbuni hubban azeeman, wa amla’ qalbahu bihubbi wa ihtiramihi li.”

Translation: “O Allah, make my husband’s heart love me greatly, and fill his heart with my love and respect for me.”

This dua can be particularly helpful for wives seeking to increase their husband’s affection and respect.

Read Dua for Parents Health And Long Life.

Easiest Dua for Husband to Love Wife

A Dua for Husband to Love Wife is a special prayer you can recite to ask Allah to strengthen the love and bond between you and your husband.

By making this dua, you’re seeking Allah’s help in creating a loving and peaceful relationship filled with affection and care.

Arabic: “اللهم اجعل زوجي يحبني حباً خالصاً لوجهك الكريم، ويسعدني ويكون لي خير الزوجين في الدنيا والآخرة.”

Transliteration: “Allahumma aj’al zawji yuhibbuni hubban khalisan liwajhika al-kareem, wa yus’iduni wa yakun li khayr az-zawjayn fi ad-dunya wal-akhirah.”

Translation: "O Allah, make my husband love me with a sincere love for Your sake, make him a source of happiness for me, and make him the best husband for me in this world and the Hereafter."

Reciting this dua can help increase the husband’s love and affection for his wife.

If your husband is not healthy and successful, you can read our dua for husband health and success.

4 Benefits of Reading Dua for Husband Wife Relationship

  1. Reciting dua for husband-wife love helps to deepen the connection between you and your spouse, making your relationship stronger and more loving.
  2. Dua can bring peace and harmony into your marriage, reducing conflicts and misunderstandings, and creating a more joyful home.
  3. Regularly reading this dua can increase the love and affection between you and your spouse, helping you both feel more connected.
  4. By seeking Allah’s blessings through dua, your marriage can be filled with mercy, understanding, and endless love, leading to a happier life together.

Read Dua For Success in Exams


In conclusion, the “dua for husband wife love” is a powerful means to strengthen the bond between you and your spouse.

By following the steps and reciting the unique duas mentioned, you can nurture a deep, loving relationship that is blessed by Allah.

Always approach these duas with a pure heart and strong faith in Allah’s mercy, and you will witness how your marriage flourishes with love, understanding, and peace. May Allah fill your marriage with endless love and harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Dua increases love between couples?

To increase love between couples, you can recite this dua: “Ya Allah, fill our hearts with love and understanding for each other.” Say this dua with a pure heart, asking Allah to bring more love into your relationship.

Which surah describes husband-wife relationship?

Surah An-Nisa in the Quran talks about the relationship between husband and wife. It teaches how to live with love, respect, and kindness towards each other.

How to increase love between husband and wife?

To increase love between husband and wife, spend time together, communicate openly, and pray to Allah. Recite the dua, “Ya Allah, bless our marriage with love and compassion,” to strengthen your bond.

How to improve husband-wife relationship in Islam?

In Islam, you can improve your husband-wife relationship by showing kindness, being patient, and praying together.
Follow the teachings of the Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to build a strong and loving relationship.

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