Every girl wants a good husband, but not all girls can find one easily. Our special dua for getting good husband can help. It’s the best prayer a woman can say to find a good husband.
If a woman can’t find a good husband, she can ask Allah for help by saying this special dua for good husband. Every woman also wishes for a husband who is kind, handsome, and has a nice personality.
To find such a husband, women can use dua to get a handsome husband. No one wants to marry someone they don’t find nice to look at. We are naturally drawn to people who look good.
How Can You Ask Allah for a Good Husband?
Every man also wants a good wife, someone who will take care of him and his family. If a man gets such a wife, he feels very lucky. In the same way, a woman wants a kind and caring husband.
Islam teaches us that both husband and wife have rights in marriage. The Quran has answers to all our questions. Islam gives us a special dua for a good life partner so that both men and women can ask Allah for a good husband.
7 Steps of Performing Dua for Getting Good Husband
If a husband isn’t good-looking, sometimes the wife may not feel close to him, and this can make her unhappy. But by saying dua to get a handsome husband, Allah can bless you with a kind and good-looking partner.
It’s important to be happy with your husband. If a wife doesn’t feel good about her husband, her life may not be comfortable. She may not enjoy living with someone she doesn’t like.
Here’s how to do this dua:
- Start with wudu (washing).
- Pray two raka’ts (units) of the Nafil prayer.
- Recite Durood Shareef seven times.
- Then read Surah Fatiha 56 times.
- Recite Durood Shareef five more times.
- Now, ask Allah to accept your dua (prayer).
- Do this for 21 days, and inshallah, you will meet the person you love.
If you’re looking for guidance or want to perform this dua with expert support, you can consult with Molvi Abdullah Hussain directly through WhatsApp for personalized help and advice. Don’t hesitate to reach out and get the assistance you need!

Powerful Dua for Good Life Partner in Islam
Here is another Islamic dua for a good husband:
- First, the woman should make fresh wudu.
- Then she should read the Fifth Kalma 96 times.
- After that, recite this dua: “Bi Rahmatika Istageeth“.
- Read Surah Baqarah 98 times.
- Take some hair and recite Surah Kafiroon 97 times.
- Blow on the hair and burn it.
- Finally, make a heartfelt prayer to Allah.
You should do this dua for four days.
Every woman deserves a nice husband who will care for her. But some women don’t get the husband they hoped for, and their lives become hard. Surah Alam Nashrah is a good surah to recite for help with love and marriage.
If you wish to marry someone you love, recite the duas to marry someone you love to unite with your beloved in marriage, and ask Allah to make your union a blessed one.
How to Make Dua for Handsome Husband
Getting married is something everyone wants. We all need someone to share our life with. But some people find it hard to meet a partner. They can do Islamic dua to help them find someone for marriage.
Here is a wazifa to get a good and handsome husband:
- First, wash your body and sit on your prayer mat.
- Recite Durood Shareef 1121 times.
- Then read Surah Yaseen.
- Recite the name “Allah” 331 times.
- Read Durood Shareef 121 times again.
- Ask Allah to accept your dua.
- Do this after every prayer for a month, and inshallah, you will meet your future husband.
If you’re praying for love to flourish in your relationship, read the dua for love and connection, asking Allah to strengthen your bond.

Magical Dua for Righteous Husband
Every woman dreams of having a good, kind-hearted husband who treats her with love and respect. Islam teaches us that we can ask Allah for anything, including a righteous husband.
If you want a pious husband who will lead a life following the teachings of Islam, you can make dua for good husband (prayer) to Allah.
You can also recite this beautiful dua:
“Rabbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa dhurriyaatinaa qurrata a’yunin waj’alnaa lilmuttaqeena imaama”
This means: “Our Lord, grant us from among our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”
In Islam, making dua for getting good husband is one of the best ways to seek Allah’s help in every matter. When you ask for a good husband, you are asking Allah for someone who will bring you closer to Him and help you live a blessed life.
If you’re ready for marriage and seeking a righteous spouse, recite the dua for good spouse, and trust Allah to bless you with a loving companion.
7 Steps To Perform Islamic Dua for Good Husband
If you want to marry someone of your choice, you can do this dua for getting good husband:
- First, recite Surah Fatiha 96 times.
- Then say the dua: “Subhaanallad’ee Khalaqal Azwaaja” 254 times.
- Recite Surah Nisa 287 times.
- Recite Surah Ikhlaas 87 times.
- Read Durood E Ibrahim 97 times.
- Recite Surah Kafiroon 107 times.
- Do this dua for seven days.
Surah for Getting a Good Husband
In Islam, reciting certain verses (surahs) from the Quran can be very helpful when seeking blessings from Allah. If you’re praying for a good, kind, and righteous husband, there are specific surahs that you can recite with faith and devotion.
Before doing any dua, it’s important to make wudu to be clean. While you can make dua anytime, there are certain times when Allah is more likely to accept your dua.
These include the last part of the night, Fridays before sunset, and while breaking your fast during Ramadan.
When making dua, raise your hands, face the qiblah (direction of the Kaaba), and speak to Allah from your heart. Begin by praising Allah and sending blessings to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Surah Al-Ikhlas is short but very powerful. It is known for bringing peace and blessings into a person’s life. You can also recite this surah while making dua for a good husband.
Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 11 times after every Salah.
After reciting, make dua and ask Allah to bless you with a good husband.
Start your dua with words like “Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, and Salat ‘ala Rasulillah.” Then, ask for what you need in your own words.
If you’re going through heartbreak and seeking comfort, recite the dua for healing heartbreak and strength, and ask Allah to bring peace to your heart.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Build a Strong Bond with My Husband?
Many women want to know how to spend more time with their husbands, talk with them better, and show love in an Islamic way.
What Are the Rights of a Wife in Marriage According to Islam?
Women often ask about their rights in marriage, like being cared for, supported, and respected, as well as what a husband must do according to Islam.
How Can I Solve Fights and Communication Issues with My Husband?
Sometimes couples fight or don’t understand each other. Women want to know how to fix these problems the Islamic way, by listening and being patient.
How Can I Make My Husband Love Me More?
Many women ask how to keep the love alive in their marriage. They want to know how to be closer to their husbands and keep their marriage strong.
What Can I Do If My Husband Is Distant or Not Paying Attention?
Some women have husbands who don’t show much care. They ask how to make things better and bring back the love in their marriage.

Peer Abdullah Hussain is a renowned Islamic scholar with over 20 years of experience in Islamic supplications from the Quran. He has a strong background in Quranic research. He has gained his knowledge through years of research about supplications from the Quran. Peer Abdullah Hussain is passionate about helping people find peace and happiness through Quranic supplications. He enjoys helping His Muslim brothers and sisters find happiness with halal duas and wazifas.