As-Salam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu, my dear brothers! A warm welcome to all of you who have always shown faith in us and continue to visit our website with trust and hope. Today, we will share Dua for Wife with you in a pure and halal manner.
Table of Contents
How Our Dua Can Impact Relationship With Your Wife?
In Islam, dua for wife is a powerful way to strengthen the bond between husband and wife. Many Muslims have found peace, love, and understanding in their marriages through dua.
Whether you’re seeking better communication, more love, or good health for your wife, dua can work wonders.
It is not just a simple request but a way to ask Allah for help, knowing that He listens and cares. Dua has been the source of happiness for millions of couples worldwide.
Read Powerful Dua for girlfriend love if you want to strengthen your bond with her.
Before you Start this Dua, Here are Some Things To Keep in Mind:
- As a husband, show your true love for your wife when asking Allah (SWT) for help.
- Make sure your intentions are good and pure when asking for your wife to come back home.
- Say sorry to Allah for any mistakes you made that may have caused the problem.
- Don’t use this dua to hurt or control anyone because that’s a big sin in Islam.
- Try to do this dua at the same time every day to stay focused and feel closer to Allah (SWT).
- Follow general rules like making Wuzu (ablution), facing the Qibla, and giving charity to make your dua stronger.
Recite Dua to get rid of a bad person if someone is causing harm in your life.
How To Perform Dua For Wife from Quran
Every husband wishes to see his wife happy, healthy, and filled with love for him. In Islam, there are specific duas that can help in improving your relationship.
Whether it’s about increasing love or bringing back peace, reciting these duas can help in strengthening the marriage bond.
The dua for wife should come from the heart, filled with hope and trust in Allah’s plan.
“Ya Allah, barik fi zawjati bi mahabbati wa rahmati. Wa ij’al qulubana qareebatan min ba’d, wa imla baytana bis-salāmi wal-fahmi.”
Transileration– “Ya Allah, bless my wife with love and kindness. Make our hearts close to each other, and fill our home with peace and understanding.”
Recite this dua 11 times daily after any salah for 7 days, and InshaAllah, you will notice a positive change in your relationship.
If you need guidance or want more information about this dua, feel free to reach out to our expert, Abdullah Hussain Ji. He’s here to provide you with the best advice and solutions made just for you!
Dua For My Wife To Love Me (Dua For My Wife)
If you want your wife to feel deep love for you, this dua is specially designed to invoke Allah’s blessings and bring affection into her heart. Sometimes, life’s challenges can cause distance, but through dua, love can return and grow even stronger.
“Ya Allah, ij’al mahabbati fi qalbi zawjati wa ij’alha wadudan ilayya.”
Transliteration: “O Allah, place love for me in the heart of my wife and make her affectionate towards me.”
Recite this dua 21 times after Isha prayer for 14 days, and inshaAllah, you will see your wife’s love and affection increasing day by day.
Try Dua to break engagement if you’re seeking to end a relationship respectfully.

7 Steps To Performing Dua For Wife’s Health
Health is a priceless blessing from Allah. If your wife is facing health problems, you can turn to dua to seek healing and protection for her. Here are 7 simple steps to perform dua for your wife’s health:
- Start with Wudu: Purify yourself with wudu before making the dua.
- Recite Durood Shareef: Recite Durood Shareef 3 times to begin the dua.
- Praise Allah: Glorify Allah with words like Alhamdulillah and SubhanAllah.
- Make the Dua: “Ya Allah, u’ti zawjati as-sihhata wal-quwata, wa adhib anha al-maraḍ wa ihfazha.”
- Recite Surah Al-Fatiha: After the dua, recite Surah Al-Fatiha once for healing.
- End with Durood Shareef: Recite Durood Shareef 3 more times.
- Have Patience: Trust in Allah’s timing and wisdom.
Perform this procedure every day after Fajr for 10 days, and pray with full faith that Allah will heal your wife.
Dua To Increase Love In Wife’s Heart in 5 Steps
Bringing more love into your marriage can make life peaceful and joyful. Follow these 5 simple steps to perform a dua to increase love in your wife’s heart:
- Begin with Wudu: Cleanse yourself with wudu.
- Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas: Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 3 times.
- Make the Dua: Say, “Ya Allah, zid mahabbata fi qalbi zawjati li wa qawwi rabtana.”
- Recite Ayat Al-Kursi: After the dua, recite Ayat Al-Kursi for protection and blessings.
- End with Durood Shareef: Finish by reciting Durood Shareef 3 times.
Recite this dua every day after Maghrib for 7 days, and inshaAllah, your wife’s love will deepen.

Read Powerful Dua To Get Wife Back Home
If your wife has left home due to misunderstandings or conflicts, you can use this dua to bring her back. Sometimes, relationships go through tough times, but through patience and prayer, Allah can help restore peace.
“Ya Allah, layyin qalba zawjati wa ahdiha ila baytina bil-mahabbati was-salāmi.”
Transliteration: “Ya Allah, soften my wife’s heart and guide her back to our home with love and peace.”
Recite this dua 33 times after Isha for 15 days, and with Allah’s mercy, your wife will return home, and your relationship will be healed.
Perform Wazifa for husband love to bring more affection and care into your marriage.
3 Benefits of Reading Dua For Wife
Here are 3 powerful benefits of reading dua for wife that can bring positive changes in your life and marriage:
- Stronger Bond: Regular dua strengthens the emotional connection between husband and wife. With Allah’s blessings, you’ll experience more love, trust, and understanding.
- Protection from Misunderstandings: By turning to Allah, you invite His guidance, which helps avoid conflicts and misunderstandings in your relationship.
- Peaceful Family Life: A consistent dua brings calmness and peace to your home. It invites blessings and ensures that your marriage flourishes under Allah’s care.
Dua for wife is a beautiful way to nurture your relationship and show love through faith. By regularly making dua, you strengthen not only your bond with your wife but also your connection with Allah.
Whether you want more love, better health, or peace at home, these duas can bring countless blessings into your marriage.
Remember, Allah is always listening, and through dua, you can create a loving, peaceful, and happy relationship with your wife.
May Allah fill your marriage with love, peace, and His infinite blessings.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Dua is for a Loving Wife?
A simple dua for a loving wife is: “O Allah, fill my wife’s heart with love for me and make our bond strong.” This dua asks Allah to create love and care between you and your wife.
You can say this dua after any prayer, and it helps build a peaceful, loving relationship. Recite it with faith, knowing that Allah listens and will guide your marriage with His blessings.
Which Surah is for Wife Love?
Surah Ar-Rum (30:21) is known for bringing love between spouses. The verse reminds us that Allah has placed love and mercy between a husband and wife.
You can recite this Surah to ask Allah for more love and understanding in your marriage. Reading it daily or after prayers can help strengthen the bond with your wife and bring harmony into your relationship.

Peer Abdullah Hussain is a renowned Islamic scholar with over 20 years of experience in Islamic supplications from the Quran. He has a strong background in Quranic research. He has gained his knowledge through years of research about supplications from the Quran. Peer Abdullah Hussain is passionate about helping people find peace and happiness through Quranic supplications. He enjoys helping His Muslim brothers and sisters find happiness with halal duas and wazifas.