Powerful Dua To Forget Someone You Love


Our dua to forget someone you love from Quran has been impactful in life of millions of People. Many of them are living their life without the burden of their past.

Love is a strong feeling given to us by Allah. It gives us the strength with which we can overcome any problem. People who truly love each other understand this feeling deeply. They spend their lives loving each other, day and night. But sometimes, even if they try hard, they can’t be together because of problems. This makes them feel sad and lonely and the need to move on is important. This is where the Islamic dua to forget someone you love comes to help. 

If you’re feeling sad because the person you love doesn’t love you back, you’re not alone. This article will help you feel better and find better people in life.

We’ll give you advice as per our Islamic scholar to help you forget about your sadness. Read this article in detail to understand the dua to get over someone which is the best Islamic supplication to forget someone you love. 

Simple Guidelines About Performing The Dua To Forget Someone You Love

If you wish for anything from Allah, it’s important to follow certain rules before starting your prayers. Following these guidelines increases the likelihood of your prayers being accepted. These simple rules will help you in pleasing Allah and granting your requests.

  1. Begin your prayer with pure intentions, devoid of any negative thoughts towards others. Keep your mind and heart clean throughout the process.
  2. Maintain confidentiality regarding your prayers until they are answered. Sharing them prematurely may invite envy or negativity from others.
  3. Women should refrain from starting this prayer during menstruation, but can commence once it ends.
  4. Seek forgiveness from Allah for your sins daily during your prayers.
  5. Consistently follow this prayer regimen according to the provided guidelines, without skipping a single day.

For any other problems in life, there is a powerful dua in the Quran. Read the dua for all problems to go away forever.

How To Perform Islamic Dua To Forget Someone Completely?

To forget someone completely, you need to follow these simple steps to get over them:

  1. First, perform ablution properly.
  2. Recite “AL-MUQADDIM AL-BAATIN” 99 times in a soft voice.
  3. Then, repeat “Rabbi hablii hukman wa alhiqni bis saalihiin” 201 times times.
  4. Conclude by earnestly praying to Allah to help you forget someone you love.
  5. Consistently perform this ritual for 17 days after any prayer. With sincere practice, you can successfully overcome your attachment to that person.

For additional guidance or assistance, feel free to consult Peer Abdullah Hussain via WhatsApp or direct call.

What Is The Dua To Get Over Someone In Quran? 

Marriage, as explained by Allah, is a pure bond. It’s a connection where spouses share both joyful and challenging moments. They create lasting memories that become deeply stored in their hearts and minds. 

However, over time, problems can arise between husband and wife. These problems sometimes reach a point when making separation the best solution. Yet, even after separating, if one partner constantly misses the other and is consumed by their thoughts, it can be an incredibly painful experience. To get rid of these moments, the dua to get over someone is helpful.   

If you find yourself in such a situation, follow our powerful “Dua to get over someone” to help you move on. 

How To Perform The Dua To Get Over Someone In Simple Steps? 

  • First, perform Wudu as the first step. 
  • Next, read Durood Sharif 11 times. 
  • Then, read Surah Al-Qasas once. 
  • After that, recite “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel” 324 times. 
  • Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to help you forget someone you love. 
Dua To Get Over Someone in Islam

You need to perform this dua to get over someone regularly for 15 days. With the help of this dua, you will find the courage to move on in life.  

Importance of Dua to Stop Loving Someone in Islam

People read dua to stop loving someone is to seek Allah’s help in overcoming emotional attachment to a person. This dua is a heartfelt supplication made with the intention of finding peace and relief from the pain of heartbreak.   

By reciting this dua, the individual is expressing a desire to move forward. They perform this process to ask Allah to ease their heart, cleanse their mind. This powerful dua provides the strength needed to detach from the emotional bond.   

How to Perform Dua To Stop Loving Someone In 6 Steps?

Dua To Stop Loving Someone
  1. Sit in a quiet, clean place where you can focus without distractions. 
  2. Start by reciting Durood Sharif 11 times to invoke blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 
  3. Recite the specific dua to stop loving someone, such as “Hasbunallahu wa ni’mal wakeel” (سورة آل عمران: 173) 324 times. 
  4. After completing the recitation, make a heartfelt dua to Allah, asking for His help in overcoming your emotional attachment and finding peace. 
  5. Continue this practice regularly for at least 15 days with sincerity and faith in Allah’s guidance. 
  6. By following these steps, you seek Allah’s support in moving on and finding emotional relief. 

If you have any questions about the dua to move on and to stop loving someone, consult our Islamic scholar Molana Abdullah Hussain.

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