Nazar Ki Dua In English – How To Remove Evil Eye


Many people are unaware that evil eye has been present in this world since the existence of humans. Those who understand this must learn the nazar ki dua in English or Urdu. We are sharing some of the best duas for evil eye in this article. 

The term evil eye is referenced as “Al-Ayn” in the Holy Quran. In Islam, the concept of evil eye is considered very dangerous. It has the impact of destroying a family’s happiness.

Nazar often arises from the negative impact of envy or jealousy directed towards others. It is believed that individuals can unintentionally inflict harm upon others, objects, or even animals by casting an evil eye or harboring jealousy towards them.

The evil eye constitutes negative energy capable of causing harm or bringing misfortune to those affected. Hence, it’s common to observe individuals who possess abundant blessings from Allah Ta’ala yet express discontent, believing they have not received anything from Allah.

Read More : Durood Sharif Benefits

Persistent sadness could be attributed to the strongest negative effects of the evil eye. If you suspect that you’ve become a target of someone’s evil eye, you’ve come to the right place for solutions.

This article furnishes guidance and powerful Islamic supplications and prayers to remove nazar or evil eye.

How to Perform the Nazar ki Dua in Simple Steps in English?

  • Begin by performing ablution (wudu) to attain purity.
  • Subsequently, recite Durood Sharif 11 times along with Ayat Al-Kursi.
  • Following this, recite the Manzil Dua 11 times to remove any kind of negative impact evil eye has on you.
  • Conclude by sincerely supplicating to Allah (SWT) to safeguard you and your family from the evil eye.

Consistently follow the practice of performing the nazar ki dua in English for 16 consecutive days. You have to perform it after each of the three daily prayers, maintaining unwavering faith in Allah SWT. By doing so, you will witness the gradual removal of the negative effects of the evil eye, accompanied by positive outcomes each day.

Read More : Benefits of Ayatul Kursi Dua

Important Note Before Starting Dua to Remove Nazar in Islam 

  1. Always perform wudu (ablution) before beginning the dua to remove nazar. 
  2. If you struggle with the evil eye, you can seek guidance from Molvi Abdullah Hussain to address the issue. 
  3. Women should avoid reading the nazar ki dua (dua to remove nazar) during their menstrual period. 
  4. Keep your heart free from hatred towards anyone. 
  5. Avoid eating meat while you are reading the dua to remove nazar. 

5-step Process To Perform Dua To Remove The Evil Eye From Quran 

  1. Begin by performing wudu to ensure you are in a state of purity. 
  2. Recite Surah Al-Falaq (Chapter 113 of the Quran) three times, seeking Allah’s protection from all forms of harm. 
  3. Recite Surah An-Naas (Chapter 114 of the Quran) three times, asking Allah for protection against evil influences. 
  4. Recite Ayat-ul-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse 255) once, invoking Allah’s supreme power and seeking His safeguarding. 
  5. Finally, make a heartfelt dua to Allah, specifically asking for protection from the evil eye and any negative effects it may have caused. Pray with sincerity and trust in Allah’s mercy. 

How To Remove Nazar In Islam With Dua To Get Rid Of Evil Eye? 

  1. Begin by saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) to seek His protection. 
  2. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha (Chapter 1 of the Quran) three times, seeking Allah’s blessings and protection. 
  3. After reciting Surah Al-Fatiha, blow over yourself or the person who is affected by the evil eye. 
  4. Say the dua: “A’udhu bi kalimatillahi tammati min sharri ma khalaq” (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He has created) three times. 
  5. Rub a small amount of olive oil, over which you have recited Surah Al-Fatiha, on yourself or the affected person. Olive oil is considered blessed in Islam and can provide added protection. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a best time to recite the dua to remove evil eye in Islam? 

The dua to remove evil eye or nazar can be recited at any time. However, after the daily prayers, especially Fajr and Maghrib, is considered beneficial for making duas and seeking protection. 

Can I recite the dua for someone else who is affected by the evil eye?  

Yes, you can recite the dua on behalf of someone else. After reciting, blow gently over the affected person or on some water and give it to them to drink. 

How often should the dua be recited to remove the evil eye?  

There is no specific limit, but it is recommended to recite it daily until the symptoms or effects of the evil eye are gone. 

Can women recite the dua during their menstrual period?

Yes, women can recite duas and seek Allah’s protection during their menstrual period, although they should not touch the Quran directly. 

Is there a specific surah or verse that is most effective for removing the evil eye?  

Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Naas are commonly recited for protection against the evil eye. Ayat-ul-Kursi is also highly effective.

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