Powerful Dua to Make Someone Love You and Marry You


Dua to make someone love you and marry you has helped countless people around the world find love and happiness.

It is a powerful way to bring comfort and hope in the lives of people who are suffering through separation. This dua can touch hearts and make a big difference in your life.

How This Dua Supports Your Love Life After Separation

This dua can help you if you’re feeling sad after a separation or want to get back together with someone you care about.

By saying the dua, you’re asking Allah to help fix your broken heart and bring love back into your life. It helps you feel calm, patient, and hopeful.

The dua also encourages you to forgive and talk openly, which can heal your relationship. By reciting this dua, you’re asking Allah to make things better and bring you closer to your loved one again.

Important Points to Remember Before Starting This Dua

Before beginning any specific dua, it’s important to keep certain points in mind. These guidelines will help ensure that your prayer is sincere and acceptable to Allah Taala.

  1. When making this dua, have a clear and good intention. If you try to use the dua to control or harm someone, it will not be effective.
  2. While making this dua, face the direction of the Qibla, which is the holy direction of the Kaaba in Mecca.
  3. Women should not perform this dua during their menstrual period, as it is not permissible to engage in specific religious practices during this time.
  4. If you make a mistake while praying, recite “Astaghfirullah” 11 times and start your dua again. This is a way to ask Allah for forgiveness.
  5. Never use black magic or any forbidden practices while reciting this dua. Such actions are haram (forbidden) in Islam and can lead to negative consequences.

Dua To Make Someone Love You And Marry You

Dua: “Allahumma innee as’aluka hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibbuka wa ‘amal alladhee yuballighunee hubbaka.”

Transliteration: “Oh Allah, I ask You for Your love and the love of those who love You, and for the deeds which will make me attain Your love.”

Procedure of Performing Dua To Make Someone Love you and Marry You-

  1. Start with a clean heart and sincere intention.
  2. Make sure you are in a state of purity.
  3. Recite the dua with focus, thinking about the person you love.
  4. Trust that Allah will answer your prayer in the best way.

Perform this dua for 9 consecutive days at the same time each day. If you want any help, then feel free to consult with Abdullah Hussain Ji on WhatsApp.

Read Our Dua To Make Someone Marry You

This dua is helpful when you deeply care about someone and want to take your relationship to the next level.

This dua is for those who are serious about their feelings and wish to see them turn into a lifelong commitment.

If you’re hoping that the person you love will see you as the right partner and consider marriage, reciting this dua can help.

It’s a way to ask Allah to guide both of you towards making the right decision, helping your loved one realize your importance and feel ready for this big step

Dua: “Rabbi la tadharni fardan wa anta khayrul waaritheen.”

Transliteration: “My Lord, do not leave me alone [with no heir], while you are the best of inheritors.”

Perform this dua for 15 days, preferably at the same time each day.

Quranic Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
Quranic Dua To Make Someone Love You Back

Quranic Dua To Make Someone Love You Back

Dua: “Wa’alqaytu ‘alayka mahabatan minnee walitusna’ ‘ala ‘aynee.”

Transliteration: “And I bestowed upon you love from Me, so that you would be brought up under My eye.”


  1. As always, start with a clean heart and perform wudu.
  2. Recite the dua while thinking of the person you want to love you back.
  3. Understand the words and let them resonate in your heart.
  4. Believe that Allah hears and will respond to your prayer.

Perform this dua for 8 days, preferably at the same time each day.  If you want any help, then feel free to consult with Abdullah Hussain Ji on WhatsApp.

What Is Dua To Make Someone Crazy About You?

If you feel your partner’s interest fading or notice they are attracted to someone else, a powerful dua can help rekindle their love for you.

This dua can heal a bad relationship, helping your partner see your importance and bring back peace and love.

Dua: “Ya muqallibal quloobi thabbit qalbi ‘ala deenik.”

Transliteration: “O Turner of the hearts, make my heart steadfast on Your religion.”

Do this dua consistently for 16 days, and see how things will turn into your favour.

Islamic Dua To Make Someone Love You Madly

The Dua to Make Someone Love You Madly is for times when you want to feel closer to someone you care about.

If you feel like your special person is not paying much attention to you or if there are problems between you two, this dua can help. It’s like asking Allah to make your love stronger and to bring you both closer together.

By saying this dua, you hope to make your partner see how important you are and bring back the love and happiness in your relationship.

Dua: “Allahumma ya mukhallibul quloobi wal absaar ihdinaa ilaa man tuhabb.”

Transliteration: “O Allah, Controller of hearts and sight, guide us to those whom You love.”

Perform this dua every day, especially after the Fajr prayer. 

How To Recite Dua To Make Someone Love You Again?

The “Dua to Make Someone Love You Again” is perfect when you’re trying to rebuild a relationship with someone you’ve drifted apart from.

If there has been a misunderstanding, argument, or distance that has made your loved one less close to you, this dua can help bring back the love you once shared.

It is for those moments when you want to remind someone of the special bond you had and make them feel those feelings again.

Dua: “Rabbanaa hablanaa min azwaajina wa dhurriyaatina qurrata a’yun, waj’alnaa lil muttaqeena imaama.”

Transliteration: “Our Lord, grant us from our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes, and make us an example for the righteous

Do this dua consistently for 15 days, preferably during the last third of the night.

Recite our Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love With You if you want him/her to be in love with you.

Dua To Make Someone Love You Again
Dua To Make Someone Love You Again

How To Recite Dua For Making Someone Dream About You

To ensure your beloved dreams of you and begins to pay more attention, perform the following:

  1. Complete the Tahajjud namaz after fresh wudu.
  2. Visualize a happy life with your partner.
  3. Recite verses 18 to 21 of Surah Ar-Rahman seven times each.
  4. Pray sincerely for a happy future together.

Read our Dua For Someone You Love.

5 Benefits of Reading Dua To Make Someone Love You After Separation

  1. By reading this dua, you ask Allah to guide you to a loving partner who is right for you.
  2. This dua helps in deepening the connection between you and your loved one.
  3. Reciting the dua can inspire your partner to see the seriousness of your feelings and consider a future together.
  4. It helps you stay calm and patient while waiting for the right time by trusting that Allah will guide your relationship in the best way.
  5. This dua can help both you and your partner understand each other’s feelings better.


These duas are more than just prayers; they are a means of inviting divine guidance and blessings into your relationship.

By reciting them with love and trust in Allah’s wisdom, you open your heart to His guidance, hoping to bring peace, love, and harmony into your life.

Remember, while duas are powerful, they should be coupled with genuine effort, patience, and understanding in your relationships.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Make Dua to Marry Someone You Love?

To make dua to marry someone you love, first, perform wudu (ablution) to purify yourself. Then, find a quiet place and sincerely ask Allah for guidance and blessings in your relationship.

Use specific words, like “Ya Allah, if this person is good for me, please make our paths towards marriage easy.

End your dua with trust in Allah’s plan, believing that He knows what is best for you.

How to Make Dua for Someone You Love

To make dua for someone you love, start by performing wudu and then pray to Allah with a sincere heart. Ask for blessings, happiness, and guidance for the person.

You can recite this, “Ya Allah, please bless [person’s name] with health, happiness, and success.

Guide them in their decisions and protect them always.” Remember to keep your intentions pure and focus on their well-being.

Can You Make Dua for Someone to Love You?

Yes, you can make dua for someone to love you. To do this, perform wudu and pray sincerely, asking Allah to place love and understanding between you and the person.

You might say, “Ya Allah, if it is good for us, please put love and affection in [person’s name]’s heart for me.”

Always trust that Allah’s plan is best and that He knows what is truly good for you both.

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