Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love with You has brought joy and happiness to many people around the world. It is a powerful tool that helps in creating a strong bond of love.
Table of Contents
- How This Dua Can Help You Win Your Love?
- Essential Guidelines Before Starting Dua/Wazifa
- Islamic Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love With You
- How To Read Dua to Make Someone Love You
- Dua to Make a Girl Love You in Easy Steps
- Wazifa To Make Someone Fall in Love With You
- How to Perform Wazifa To Make Someone Mad In Love With You?
- Dua To Make Him Fall In Love With Me and Have Eyes on Me
- 7 Benefits That Show the Power of Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
- 3 Major Drawbacks of Reading the Wrong Dua for Love Back
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
This dua is like a magical blessing from Allah, which can help bring the person you love closer to you.
Experiencing true love is one of the most beautiful and unique experience in life. When a person is in love, there is nothing they like to do except think of the person they have fallen for.
However, many a times, the feelings of love are one-sided. This is where the dua to make someone fall in love with you comes to aid.
How This Dua Can Help You Win Your Love?
Do you have someone special in your life for whom you have fallen deeply? If you know that they do not love you and still want them to marry you, we have an Islamic solution for you.
If your intentions are pure, you must try the dua to make someone love you. It is a highly effective dua to make someone fall in love with you.
When you’re in love, you want to feel close to the person who is special to you. The dua for winning love is a simple and heartfelt prayer that many people have found helpful.
It is a way to ask Allah for help and blessings in your love life. When you make this dua with a pure heart, it can bring you closer to the one you love. This prayer reminds us that real love, full of care and kindness, is a gift from Allah.
By saying this dua, you are asking Allah to fill your life with love and happiness. It’s a way to find peace and joy with the person you care about, helping you both feel connected and loved.
Read Dua For Someone To Come Back To You to get your someone special back in your life again.
Essential Guidelines Before Starting Dua/Wazifa
Main Points | Explanation |
Pure Intentions | Make sure your reason for doing this dua or wazifa is pure and honest. Wrong intentions can reduce its effectiveness. |
Strong Belief | Have complete faith that Allah will accept your dua. Doubting it may block your prayer from being accepted. |
Best Times for Dua | While you can pray anytime, special moments like the last third of the night, Fridays, and Ramadan are extra blessed. |
Seek Forgiveness First | Before starting, ask Allah for forgiveness by saying “Astaghfirullah.” This helps clear your heart and prepares you for dua. |
Women’s Reminder | Women should avoid making this dua or wazifa during their menstruation and wait until they are clean. |
Islamic Dua To Make Someone Fall in Love With You
Here are the steps to perform the Dua to make someone fall in love with you:
- Begin this dua after the Isha prayer.
- Start by reciting Surah Ar-Rahman.
- Next, read Surah An-Nisa.
- Visualize the face of the person you wish to win over.
- Finally, pray to Allah, asking Him to make that person fall in love with you.
By Reciting this dua, you can surely make your love fall in love with you.
Read Dua For Soulmate to find your soulmate easily.
How To Read Dua to Make Someone Love You
This dua is for when you wish for someone’s love and affection. It can help in opening the heart of the person you desire. Follow this procedure to make someone love you back
- Ensure your heart is free of bad intentions.
- Start by reciting Durood Sharif.
- Repeat “Ya Wadood” (The Most Loving) 101 times.
- Then make this dua: “wa ajma’ quloobana bi hubbika wa rahmatika.“
- Finish with Durood Sharif.
Perform this dua every day, especially after the Fajr prayer.
Looking for expert advice on making someone fall in love with you? Get quick and effective solutions from Abdullah Hussain Ji. Reach out to him on WhatsApp for personalized guidance and fast results.

Dua to Make a Girl Love You in Easy Steps
If you have feelings for a girl and want her to love you back, there is a special dua for this. This dua can help create affection and understanding between you two. Remember, this dua should be made with pure intentions and a clean heart.
Procedure of performing Dua To Make A Girl Fall in Love with You
- Perform Wudu (Ablution): Before starting, make sure you are clean and have performed wudu.
- Recite Durood Sharif: Start by reciting Durood Sharif three times.
- Read Surah Al-Fatiha: Recite Surah Al-Fatiha three times.
- Dua: Now, read the following dua: “Allahumma layyin qalbi [Name of the girl] kama layyintal hadidi li Dawooda ‘alayhis-salaam” (O Allah, soften the heart of [Name of the girl] just as You softened iron for Dawood).
- Recite Durood Sharif: End by reciting Durood Sharif three times again.
If you have decided to marry someone and wish to find out if your decision is right, we can help you. Perform the istikhara for marriage with our Islamic Scholar’s guidance to see istikhara signs.
Wazifa To Make Someone Fall in Love With You
Wazifa is a form of Islamic prayer that involves the recitation of specific verses or names of Allah. This particular wazifa can help in attracting the love of the person you desire.
- Start with wudu.
- Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 21 times.
- Recite “Ya Lateefu” 313 times.
- Make a powerful dua, Ainallah ala kulli shayin qadeer.
- End with Durood Sharif.
Do this wazifa consistently for 11 days, preferably during the last third of the night.
Want to get Married Soon? Read our Surah For Marriage and see the powerful results.

How to Perform Wazifa To Make Someone Mad In Love With You?
If you wish for someone to feel deeply in love with you, this wazifa can be of help. It’s important to do this with a pure heart and a clear intention.
- Make sure you are in a state of cleanliness and have performed wudu.
- Recite “Ya Quddusu” (The Holy) 111 times.
- Dua: After the recitation, pray: “Allahumma, mali qalb [Name of the person] bi hubbin azeem li, kama maliqalb Adam li Hawa.”
Perform this wazifa for 7 consecutive days, preferably at the same time each day. If you want any help, then feel free to consult with Abdullah Hussain Ji on WhatsApp.
Dua To Make Him Fall In Love With Me and Have Eyes on Me
This dua is specifically for women who wish to gain the love and attention of a particular man. It helps in creating a deep emotional connection. Follow the below given procedure to make him fall in love with me-
- Perform ablution to cleanse yourself.
- Recite Surah Yaseen once.
- Then, make this dua: “Ya Allah, place love and affection in the heart of [Name of the man] for me. Let his eyes be drawn to me, and his heart be filled with love for me.“
Repeat this dua daily, preferably after the Isha prayer.
7 Benefits That Show the Power of Dua To Make Someone Love You Back
- This dua helps you connect more deeply with the person you care about. It makes your relationship stronger and more loving.
- By reading this dua, you can help make the person feel more attracted to you. It can help you become closer.
- This dua asks Allah to help bring you and the person you love closer. It helps align your paths so you can be together.
- Reciting this dua helps fill the person’s heart with warm, loving feelings, making your relationship more special.
- When you make this dua, you are asking Allah for support and blessings in your love life. It invites divine help to guide your relationship.
- Knowing that you are making a genuine effort with this dua can make you feel more confident when you interact with the person you love.
- This dua helps you stay focused on having a loving and respectful relationship. It guides your feelings to be genuine and positive.
For any further questions about the love duas, you can consult our Islamic scholar.
3 Major Drawbacks of Reading the Wrong Dua for Love Back
- Dua Won’t Work: If you read the wrong dua, it might not have any effect. Allah may not grant your wish because you are not following the right way.
- Hurting Your Relationship: Using the wrong dua can sometimes make things worse. Instead of bringing your love back, it might create more problems between you.
- Displeasing Allah: Reading the wrong dua, especially with bad intentions, can displease Allah. It might make Him unhappy, and your prayers may not be accepted.
By understanding these drawbacks, you can avoid mistakes and pray in the right way to bring love back into your life.
By carefully following these steps and reciting the duas with a true heart, you invite Allah’s blessings to inspire love in someone’s heart.
Our special duas are made to help foster feelings of love and connection, encouraging deeper bonds and mutual respect. Trust in Allah’s wisdom and keep your prayers strong.
With patience and divine guidance, you can nurture the love you wish for. Start now, and let the power of dua fill your life with love and warmth.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Most Powerful Dua To Make Crush fall in Love With You?
To make your crush fall in love with you through dua, start by performing ablution and reciting Surah Ar-Rahman. Visualize your crush and make a dua to Allah. You can use the dua:
Allahumma, ashir qalb [Name of the person] li bi hubbik wa ajirna bi rahmatika.
Repeat this dua regularly after your prayers, maintaining sincerity and patience.
Which Surah makes someone fall in love with you?
If you wish to try this approach, simply recite Surah Al-Mu’minoon regularly and sincerely ask Allah to guide you to your true soulmate.
How to ask Allah to make someone fall in love with you?
To ask Allah to make someone fall in love with you, start by performing ablution and praying sincerely.
You can say, “Allahumma, fill the heart of [Name of the person] with love for me and guide us with Your mercy.”
Ask Allah with pure intentions, trust in His wisdom, and be patient. Repeat this dua regularly, especially after prayers, and maintain sincerity in your heart.

Peer Abdullah Hussain is a renowned Islamic scholar with over 20 years of experience in Islamic supplications from the Quran. He has a strong background in Quranic research. He has gained his knowledge through years of research about supplications from the Quran. Peer Abdullah Hussain is passionate about helping people find peace and happiness through Quranic supplications. He enjoys helping His Muslim brothers and sisters find happiness with halal duas and wazifas.