6 Most Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for children)


If you are looking for ways to make your child more obedient, using a Dua for Obedient Child can be very helpful. Our powerful duas have helped many parents around the world by bringing Allah’s blessings into their family life.

By using specific prayers and following simple steps, you can guide your child toward better behavior and understanding. Remember, Allah’s guidance can make a big difference in your child’s attitude and actions.

How Can You Make Your Child Obedient?

Our special prayer is powerful for helping your child become obedient. By reciting it, you call on Allah’s help to guide your child in the right direction.

Many parents have seen their children become calmer, listen more, and show more respect after using this prayer. It works like a gentle reminder from Allah to their hearts, encouraging them to be good.

When you follow the simple steps, you’ll see how quickly it brings peace and love into your home, making your child more obedient and loving, all with Allah’s blessing.

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5 Rules To Follow Before Using This Dua For Child Behaviour

Keep Your Intentions PureBegin your prayer with a clean and good heart.
Have Strong FaithBelieve strongly that Allah (SWT) will hear and answer your prayer.
Avoid During Menstruation (Women)Women should wait until after their period to pray.
Ask for ForgivenessSay sorry to Allah for your past mistakes before you start praying.
Don’t Scold Your ChildrenBe kind and calm with your children while performing the prayer.
Be PatientTrust that Allah will answer your dua in His perfect time.
5 Rules To Follow Before Using This Dua For Child Behaviour

Read Most Powerful Dua To Get What You Want.

Powerful Dua for Obedient Child (Dua for Children)

One powerful dua for an obedient child is:

Rabbi zidni ilma wa waffiqni li tawajudi fi tarbiya wa tarabbiat awladi.

(Translation: “My Lord, increase me in knowledge and grant me success in the upbringing and training of my children.”)

Recite this dua 21 times daily for 14 days to ask Allah for help in raising your child with good behavior and obedience.

If you wish to perform this dua with the guidance of Molvi Abdullah Hussain Ji, you can reach out to him on WhatsApp.

Easy Steps to Perform Dua for Obedient Child
Easy Steps to Perform Dua for Obedient Child

6 Easy Steps to Perform Dua for Obedient Child

Here’s a simple guide to performing the dua for an obedient child:

  1. Make Wudu (Ablution): Start by performing wudu to purify yourself, as it helps you connect better with Allah.
  2. Pray Two Rakat (Units) of Salah: Offer two rakat of Salah. In the first rakat, recite Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Al-Ikhlas. In the second rakat, recite Surah Al-Fatiha and Surah Al-Kafirun.
  3. Recite the Obedient Child Dua:“Allahumma islah li awladi wa ajirna min al-sharr wa ajirna min al-bida.”
    (Translation: “O Allah, correct my children and protect us from harm and mistakes.”)
  4. Make a Personal Prayer: After reciting the dua, ask Allah to guide and support your child in being obedient and respectful.
  5. Trust in Allah’s Plan: Have faith that Allah will answer your prayers and help you in your efforts.
  6. Repeat Regularly: Continue to recite this dua regularly for ongoing support and guidance.

Recite this dua 15 times after your Salah for 10 days.

If you want respect in your life then start reading our Dua to be Loved and Respected by Everyone.

Dua for Stubborn Child in Quran (Dua for Ziddi Child)

Sometimes, children can be very stubborn and not want to listen, even when it’s important. This dua is a special prayer you can say to ask Allah to help your child be more understanding and easy to guide.

By saying this dua, you are asking Allah to help your child be less stubborn and more willing to follow good advice.

For a stubborn child, a helpful dua from the Quran is:

“Rabbi al-humqiyami li kafaat da’wat al-majlis.”

(Translation: “My Lord, guide them to the right way and ease their difficulties.”)

Recite this dua 33 times after Fajr prayer for 7 days to ask Allah to soften your child’s heart and help them become more understanding and obedient.

Want blessings of Allah for your Marriage? Read Wazifa For Marriage with Allah Name.

5 Steps to Perform Dua for Child Behavior
5 Steps to Perform Dua for Child Behavior

5 Steps to Perform Dua for Child Behavior

Follow these five steps to use the dua for child behavior effectively:

  1. Make Wudu: Begin by cleansing yourself with wudu to prepare for the dua.
  2. Pray Two Rakat of Salah: Perform two rakat of Salah, focusing on your intention for your child’s behavior improvement.
  3. Recite the Behavior Improvement Dua:“Allahumma ahdini wa ahdihi ila sirat al-mustaqim.”
    (Translation: “O Allah, guide me and my child to the straight path.”)
  4. Personal Prayer: Ask Allah to help your child improve their behavior and become more obedient.
  5. Stay Consistent: Keep praying regularly and trust that Allah will guide your child.

Recite this dua 21 times after Isha prayer for 9 days.

If you want someone to get mad over you in love then read our Dua to Make Someone Fall in Love with You.

How To Perform Dua for Children (Dua for Your Kids)

If you kid is not behaving nice like not listening or being mean. This dua is a special prayer you can say to ask Allah to help your child be better and behave nicely.

You should read our dua for kids and ask Allah to help change your child’s bad behavior and help them make good choices every day.

The dua for children helps ask Allah for their well-being and good behavior. Here’s a simple dua you can use:

Allahumma barik li fi awladi wa ajirna min al-sharr wa afiyahum min al-haraj.

(Translation: “O Allah, bless my children and protect them from harm and difficulties.”)

Recite this dua 40 times daily for 12 days to seek Allah’s blessings and protection for your children.

If you need personalized dua for your children then you can always contact Molvi Abdullah Hussain Ji. He will help you and guide you as what is best for you.

Best Dua to Protect Child from Bad Habits

This dua is a special prayer you can say to ask Allah to keep your child safe from these bad habits. Just like how we protect ourselves from getting hurt, this dua asks Allah to protect your child’s heart and mind from things that could lead them the wrong way.

By saying this dua, you are asking Allah to help your child stay on the right path and make good choices.

To protect your child from bad habits, use this dua:

“Allahumma ajirni wa ajirni min al-‘adi wa al-‘udwan wa ajirna min al-lazim.”
(Translation: “O Allah, protect me and my child from harmful actions and bad habits.”)

Recite this dua 100 times after Fajr prayer for 21 days to ask Allah to safeguard your child from negative influences.]

Read Powerful Dua To Get Married Soon.

Best Dua to Protect Child from Bad Habits
Best Dua to Protect Child from Bad Habits

Most Powerful Dua for Disobedient Child

Sometimes, children don’t listen to their parents and do things that aren’t good for them. This dua is like a special prayer you can say to ask Allah to help your child become more obedient and kind.

Just like how we ask for help when we need something, this dua can help change a child’s heart, making them listen better and do the right things. When you say this dua, you are asking Allah to guide your child to be good and respectful.

For a disobedient child, a powerful dua is:

“Allahumma aslih li awladi wa jalhum min al-mu’minin al-mu’minat.”
(Translation: “O Allah, correct my children and make them among the believing men and women.”)

Recite this dua 70 times after Maghrib prayer for 14 days to ask Allah to help improve your child’s behavior and guide them toward obedience.

You can read Dua to Get Married To The Person You Want.

5 major benefits of reading Dua for Obedient Child

Here are 5 major benefits of reading the dua for an obedient child:

  1. The dua helps your child become better at listening to what you and others say.
  2. It guides your child to show more respect towards parents, teachers, and elders.
  3. Regularly reading the dua encourages your child to behave nicely and follow the right path.
  4. The dua helps your child develop a kind heart, making them more caring towards others.
  5. It teaches your child to rely on Allah for guidance, helping them grow in their faith.

Want to attract your husband’s love? Read our Special Dua For Husband Love.


Using the dua for obedient child and other special prayers can greatly impact your child’s behavior and relationship with you. By following the outlined steps and reciting these duas regularly, you invite Allah’s blessings into your family life.

Each dua provides unique benefits and can help in raising children with good behavior, understanding, and respect. Trust in Allah’s guidance and be patient, knowing that your sincere prayers are a powerful way to seek improvement and harmony in your family.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Dua for Child to Listen to Parents?

The Dua for a child to listen to parents is a special prayer you can say to ask Allah to help your child be more obedient and respectful. It’s like asking Allah to make your child’s heart soft and willing to listen to what you say, helping them do the right things and follow your guidance.

What does Allah say about Listening to your Parents?

Allah teaches us in the Quran to be kind and respectful to our parents. He says that we should listen to them and treat them with love and care, just like how they take care of us.

Allah promises blessings for those who are good to their parents and warns against being disobedient or unkind to them.

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