Powerful Dua for husband love (Husband wife love from Quran)


Assalamalaikum my dear Muslim sisters! Are you here in search of a dua for husband love that will help you win your husband’s love? If yes, then you have reached the correct post. Our Islamic scholar Peer Abdullah Hussain has brought the best dua for husband love for women to have a happy marriage. 

In a normal Muslim household, it is often seen that the man takes care of all the expenses. The wife takes on the responsibility of taking care of the house and children. This is very common way of maintaining a marital relationship and the family. However, when responsibilities get beyond acceptance, the partners begin to have a rift amongst themselves. 

if you are facing problem in your married life then recite this Islamic dua for happy a married life with husband

The reason behind the rift can sometimes be the burden of responsibilities, interference of other people, evil eye, or lack of communication among spouses. If you are going through a similar problem, you can take help of the dua for husband love. Read this article carefully to solve your marital problems with the powerful duas for husband. 

How powerful is the Dua For Husband Love in Quran?

 If you feel that the love between you and your partner is diminishing, you need the dua for husband love. With the help of this powerful dua for your husband to love you again, you can mend your broken marriage. 

If you feel that your husband is drifting away from you because of any reason, reading the dua for husband’s love will change things. You will see a positive change in his behavior after you perform the dua with a sincere heart and faith in Allah Tala. 

How to Perform Dua for Husband Love in 5 steps?

  1. Start by performing Wudu to cleanse yourself physically to begin this process.
  2. Recite Durood Sharif 11 times after you sit in a quiet space facing the Qiblah. 
  3. Read Surah al-Ikhlas once while thinking of your husband.
  4. Recite “Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a’oothu bika minal-hammi walhazani” 501 times.
  5. Conclude by praying to Allah (SWT) to instill love in the hearts of your spouse and yourself.

Consistently follow this routine for 18 days to get the desired results.

If you are worried about the health or success of your husband then recite this dua for husband health and Success

Important Guidelines About Dua For Husband Love And Attraction 

When performing any dua with a sincere heart, it is essential to follow certain rules to increase the likelihood of your prayer being accepted. Here are the key guidelines to follow: 

  1. Pure Intentions: Ensure your heart is free of negative thoughts or ill will towards others. A pure heart is crucial for an accepted prayer. 
  2. Menstruation: Women should avoid reciting this dua during menstruation. Wait for two days after your period ends before starting the dua. 
  3. Seek Forgiveness: Before beginning the dua, ask Allah Taala for forgiveness for your sins. 
  4. Recite Allah’s Names: Start the prayer by reciting any ten names of Allah Taala. 
  5. Face the Qibla: Always sit facing the Qibla when making your prayer to enhance its acceptance. 
  6. Avoid Magic or Shirk: The dua and method provided are entirely halal and pure. Avoid using any form of magic or shirk, as this will prevent your prayer from being accepted.

How to perform Dua for Husband and Wife Love 

Over time, the love between husband and wife can gradually fade. They become so busy in their lives that they forget the deep affection they once shared. If you are seeking a way to rekindle that lost love, a powerful prayer called the dua for husband and wife love can help. 

To bring back the lost love between you and your husband with Allah Taala’s blessings, follow this prayer: 

  • Perform Wudu: Start by performing Wudu (ablution). 
  • Recite Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem: Recite “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” 11 times. 
  • Read Surah An Nisa: Read Surah An Nisa two times. 
  • Pray to Allah SWT: Pray to Allah SWT in your own words, “O Allah, please create love between us and bless both of us with Your power,” 123 times. 

Perform this dua for husband-wife love consistently for 12 days. For better results, it is recommended to perform this dua for husband love after Tahajjud salah. You will start seeing visible results as the love between you both will get restored. 

Is There A Dua For Husband To Love His Wife Only In Islam? 

Yes, there is a dua in Islam that a wife can recite to invoke Allah’s blessings for her husband’s love and loyalty. It is the dua for husband to love his wife only in Islam. Here is a step-by-step process to perform the dua: 

  1. Sit in a quiet place facing the Qibla and recite Durood Sharif 11 times. 
  2. Recite Surah Ar-Rum (30:21):  “And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.” 
  3. Then, recite “Ya Wadood” 101 times. “Ya Wadood” is one of the names of Allah, meaning “The Most Loving.” 
  4. After completing the recitation of “Ya Wadood,” recite Durood Sharif 11 more times. 
  5. Raise your hands ask Allah to instill love and affection in your husband’s heart for you.
  6. Blow on some sweet food (like dates or a piece of chocolate) after making the dua. 
  7. Give this sweet food to your husband to eat. 
  8. Perform this dua consistently for 11 days, preferably after Fajr or Isha prayer. 

By following this process with devotion and sincerity, Insha’Allah, you will see positive changes in your husband’s behavior and an increase in love and affection in your marriage. 

If you have any questions about the dua for husband and wife love, consult our Islamic scholar directly. He is always available to help those who need Islamic help for solving their problems of love and marriage. 

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