Powerful Dua for Engagement Ceremony (Blessings For Engagement)


You’ve found the perfect place if you love someone and want to get engaged with the help of a special dua for engagement ceremony to tie the knot in marriage.

If you wish for your engagement to happen smoothly, without any problems, and with Allah’s blessings, then this dua for engagement ceremony is just what you need.

This powerful dua has helped many couples get engaged without facing any difficulties.

Say this dua with full faith in Allah (SWT) to receive His mercy and blessings for your engagement.

The engagement ceremony is very important because it marks the start of a new journey, where the couple begins their married life together.

Why Our Dua for Engagement Is So Helpful for the Couple

The dua for engagement ceremony has been a source of happiness for many couples around the world. This special prayer is not just about saying words; it’s about asking Allah for His help, love, and blessings for a happy and strong engagement.

When couples say this dua with belief, they feel its power bringing them closer together, making their bond stronger under Allah’s protection.

When you perform this dua, it acts like a shield for your relationship, helping to keep away any misunderstandings and bringing you and your partner closer.

This dua is meant to bring Allah’s blessings to both families, helping them come together with love and respect. If you follow the right steps, this dua can be the key to a joyful and blessed engagement.

If you’re hoping to marry soon but are struggling to find the right match, our Dua for marriage Proposals can help attract suitable marriage proposals.

6 Must Follow Rules Before Performing Dua

Stay CleanPerform Wudu (ablution) to make sure you’re clean before talking to Allah (SWT).
Have Good IntentionsMake sure your heart is pure and your intentions are good when making this dua.
Do Good DeedsGive to charity and do good actions to make your dua stronger.
Choose the Right TimeFace the Qibla and pick a special time, like Fridays or after Salah, to make your dua.
Keep it PrivateSay this dua quietly and focus on connecting with Allah (SWT) in private.
Women’s CautionWomen should avoid making this dua during menstruation, as it’s considered a state of impurity.
6 Must Follow Rules Before Performing Dua

Most Powerful Dua for Engagement Ceremony

Saying a dua during the engagement ceremony is a wonderful way to start this new chapter in life. It invites Allah’s blessings and helps make sure that the couple’s relationship is full of love and happiness. Here is a special dua you can say during the engagement ceremony:

Subhaanal lazee kha laqal azwaaja kul lahaa mim maa tum bitul ardu wa min anfu sihim wa mim maa laa ya’lamo on.
Translation: “My Lord, I am in need of whatever good You send down to me.”

After saying the dua, talk to Allah in your own words, asking Him to bless your engagement and future life together.

Say this dua every day for 7 days before your engagement ceremony and follow the below given right method to bring Allah’s blessings and protection.

Make sure not to miss any part of this dua and recite it regularly to achieve the best results. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to our expert, Abdullah Hussain Ji, for personalized duas tailored to your situation.

Right Method to Perform Dua for Engagement Ceremony
This image shows Right Method to Perform Dua for Engagement Ceremony

Right Method to Perform Dua for Engagement Ceremony

It’s very important to perform the dua for engagement correctly to get Allah’s blessings. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Start by setting a clear intention that you are asking for Allah’s help and blessings for your engagement.
  2. The best time to say this dua is during the last part of the night, which is a very special time for prayers.
  3. Begin by saying Surah Al-Fatiha, the first chapter of the Quran, to praise Allah and ask for His guidance.
  4. Recite the dua above given dua 11 times, with full attention and belief.
  5. After the dua, send blessings on Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by saying Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhammad.”
  6. After finishing the dua, pray to Allah specifically for your engagement, asking Him to make it a source of joy and blessings for both families.

Duration: Follow this method for 3 nights in a row before the engagement ceremony to receive special blessings.

If you are facing issues in your love marriage, recite the Dua for love marriage to get resolution.

How to Perform Dua To Get Engaged To the Person of Your Choice

  1. Begin by taking a fresh shower to cleanse yourself.
  2. Recite “Al-Azeez” 76 times with devotion.
  3. Next, read verse 36 of “Surah Baqarah” 1000 times with focus.
  4. While reciting, picture the person you wish to be engaged to.
  5. Finally, ask Allah (SWT) to bless your engagement ceremony with His mercy.

Continue this dua with patience for 15 days, and Inshallah, Allah (SWT) will grant you His blessings.

Read Powerful Dua for love marriage to agree parents (convincing your parents).

5 Benefits of Dua for Engagement Ceremony

Saying the dua for engagement ceremony brings many blessings. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. This dua helps to create a strong and loving connection between the couple.
  2. Regularly saying this dua brings peace to your heart, reducing any worries about the engagement.
  3. The dua brings Allah’s blessings, making the engagement process smooth and joyful.
  4. It acts like a shield, protecting the couple from any negative energy or bad influences.
  5. The dua increases love and care between the couple, helping them to be more happy together.

For the best results, continue saying this dua every day until the wedding day.

Read Best Powerful Dua To Get Married Soon in Quran (Married Soon)


The dua for engagement ceremony is a powerful and simple way to ask for Allah’s blessings and ensure a happy engagement. By following the correct steps and saying the dua with faith, couples can make their bond stronger, receive divine blessings, and protect their relationship from harm.

This special dua has brought happiness to many couples and is an important part of any engagement ceremony.

Remember, the key to a blessed engagement is having trust in Allah and keeping your intentions pure. Follow the steps, say the dua with belief, and let Allah guide you to a happy and blessed life together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Surah is for Engagement?

There are several Surahs in the Quran that can be recited for an engagement, but if you’re searching a specific Surah to recite during the engagement, then recite Surah Yasin or Surah Al-Fatiha while making duas for a blessed and successful engagement. These Surahs are known for bringing peace and blessings, making them popular choices during special occasions like engagements.

Is Dua-E-Khair an engagement dua?

Yes, Dua-E-Khair can be used for engagement. This dua is a general prayer asking Allah for goodness and blessings in whatever decision or step you are about to take, including getting engaged.

It is a way of seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings for a positive outcome in the engagement process.

What dua is used for getting engaged?

A common dua for getting engaged is: Allahumma khir li wakhtar li.” This means, “O Allah, choose and decide the best for me.” This dua is a way of asking Allah to guide you to what is best in your engagement and future, ensuring that your decision is blessed and leads to a happy and successful union.

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